Mar 9, 2012

No fun

Let me tell you a story:....

There was once this girl named Lisa.  She needed a colonoscopy since November of 2011 but was avoiding it like the plague.  Finally she gave in five months.  She knew the "prep" was no fun and had heard numerous horror stories.  So she prepared herself.  She bought lots and lots of clear liquids (her only peace) to help her along.

She found the perfect concoction and the drink was not so bad.....  but still not great.


After 5 hours of being sick and two hours of sleep she had to wake up and do the whole thing again at 2 am.  This is when she almost lost her nerve (well that actually happened around 10:30 - 11pm)  But she still got up at 2 and took the awful medicine. Good Job Lisa!

Then at 7 she went to the hospital (sorry no picture, I was too nervous to think to take one) where everything went great and she took an awesome nap.  And rocked a back-less gown.

Now the good news:  I don't have crone's or Ulcerate Colitis.

Now the bad news:  Apparently there is nothing wrong with me.... and yet, there is.

So I think I'll start taking anxiety counseling more seriously?!?!?  Can you think of anything else?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome = we don't know why you get sick so much, Good Luck!


  1. I was diagnosed w/ IBS. *I* realized a year later it was celiac disease. I was then diagnosed w/ IBS again (after going gluten free), and later *I* discovered it was a dairy allergy. Now, I am avoiding about a dozen different foods...and still getting sick...and have been diagnosed w/ IBS AGAIN :P

    I chickened out of my recently planned colonoscopy...not sure I can trust doctors anymore.

  2. Stephanie,

    It's so frustrating isn't it!!! I can't even believe how hard it must be for you too. I've done just about everything everyone has suggested to me. The newest one was to try a supplement called "Align". Got it at Walmart this week. It's about $1 a pill and the box comes with a month supply. My mom knows someone who knows someone who swears by it. I'll let you know if I see a difference. Good luck!


  3. ps: The colonoscopy was totally worth it for me to know everything was looking normal. They even gave me pictures to prove it to me (weird... and gross). I'd say go for it!
