May 10, 2012

Ch, Ch, Ch Changes....

Well after much thought and mental preparation and study I have decided, and am now an official member of weight watchers!

I started on Monday and so far I am loving it... I can track everything on my phone.  And while there have been many times I have wanted to eat (out of boredom and stress) I have choose to keep my points for a delicious dinner or chocolatey snack. 

I was very cautious starting because my nutritionists reenforced the dangers of dieting, and I believe them because it is true, but I also knew that I couldn't just eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted and still loose weight.  I could not really turn to them for help  in loosing because they focused on learning to love myself no matter what, and while I've got that down, I still wanted to loose a good 30 without the craziness of dieting and so.... here I am. I'm very please so far because Weight Watchers follows the same principles I was taught, but with some ground rules and that is exactly what I needed.  I have my first meeting tonight.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Is "have fun" an appropriate response? Because I'm going to say it. Have fun!
