Apr 12, 2012

A blogger

Yesterday was filled with blogging miracles!  (if you are unaware, I have this crazy dream in my head to become a SUPER popular blogger who can stay at home with her kids and work as a mormon mommy blogger).  (I am aware I'm not a mommy... but who's to let that stop me).

Yesterday my friend Camille won the giveaway from Rockstar Diaries!!!  Seriously.... what are the odds of that?!?!  Way to go maille!!  (This is a pretty big deal and I'm really only once removed from the situation!) 

Then I went to work at the salon and did a manicure/pedicure on a big blogger around here.  She's the author of Budget Gourmet Mom and she was getting her nails done because she was asked to be a guest on KSL doing a cooking spot this morning.  I was a the tiniest bit star struck and she totally inspired me!  She told me to be myself and put myself out there and it's a total possibility.

So my first goal was to get more pictures up on the blog.


My next goal is to create a bit of a schedule and follow it..

Wish me luck!

Things are going to be pretty fun around here.

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